How to Get Rid of Brain Fog with Your Smartphone! (Narcissistic Relation...

7 Ways Your Smartphone Can Help You Get Rid of Brain Fog (How to Get Rid of Brain Fog) - Get your free copy of CodyCross Here:

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Are you asking yourself, "How do I get rid of brain fog?" or wondering how to get rid of brain fog instantly? Have you wished you could get rid of brain fog quickly? While I'm not here to offer brain fog treatment, I do have some really helpful brain fog remedies in the form of smartphone apps!

Have you ever felt kind of cloudy and sort of like your brain just wasn’t functioning as well as usual? Or like you’re not really “here,” maybe like you’re sort of in a bubble or watching your life happen like a movie? Like you’re a spectator rather than a participant? If so, you might be dealing with brain fog. And, if you’ve survived toxic relationships, the chances that you’ve dealt with it are pretty high. In fact, one complaint I hear from many of my clients is that they struggle with "brain fog." Many people develop C-PTSD as a result of toxic relationships with narcissists – and brain fog is one of several common symptoms.

Brain fog or mental fog is a common issue for people who have survived toxic relationships with narcissists. Brain fog is officially defined as a clouding of your consciousness – or in layman’s terms, we could define it as not being able to think clearly or not being able to do simple tasks. It can also affect memory or the ability to work. The term is even used among physicians and psychiatrists to indicate that there's an abnormality in the regulation of someone’s overall level of consciousness that is mild and less severe than a delirium.

Many survivors describe a subjective sensation of mental clouding described as feeling sort of foggy, or like they're watching their lives happen from a distance.
